Lauren runs various courses in Sensory Science: some examples are given below.
Introduction to Sensory Science for Food and Beverages
Introduction to Sensory Science for Home and Personal Care products
Sensory Panel Leader training - includes planning a sensory study, dealing with difficult issues and 'what attributes make a good attribute' in descriptive analysis/profiling
Advanced sensory courses that include topics such as sensory methods, consumer research, sensory shelf-life, descriptive analysis/profiling, data analysis and report writing, rapid methods ...
Sensory Statistics
Statistics Workshops
Panel Performance
The latter three courses are generally organised with Carol Raithatha. Our step by step sensory statistics workshops are designed to develop practical and context-relevant skills in analysing sensory and consumer data. The focus is to work through your own data and address the statistical issues necessary for your context. The facilitators (Carol Raithatha and Lauren Rogers) are not statisticians, but are experienced sensory/consumer scientists – ensuring maximum understandability!
To find out more information, give me a call on 00 44 (0)1538 388 650 or email me at [email protected]