_http://www.astm.org/COMMIT/COMMITTEE/E18.htm ASTM Committee E18 on Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products was formed in 1960. E18 meets twice a year, usually in April and October, with about 75 members attending over three days of technical meetings capped by a presentation on relevant topics in the Sensory Evaluation Field. The Committee, with a membership of approximately 240, currently has jurisdiction over 31 standards, published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 15.08. E18 has 10 technical subcommittees that maintain jurisdiction over these standards. Information on this subcommittee structure and E18's portfolio of approved standards and Work Items under construction are available from the List of Subcommittees, Standards and Work Items below. These standards have and continue to play a preeminent role in all aspects important to the sensory field.
Institute of Food Science and Technology Sensory Science Group
_ The Sensory Science Group provides members with an interest in sensory with the opportunity to engage and share knowledge with fellow members. The Group is involved in a wide range of activities which includes hosting an annual sensory conference, regular discussion workshops, accreditation of sensory training and has recently launched a new Register of Professional Sensory Scientists:http://www.ifst.org/professional-recognition-specialist-qualifications/register-professional-sensory-scientists
The Society of Sensory Professionals is a 501(c) non-profit organization devoted to developing and promoting the field of sensory science.
Society Mission To advance the field of sensory evaluation, including consumer research, and the role/work of sensory professionals, for the purpose of sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas, mentoring and educating its members.
Society Scope To advance the field of sensory evaluation, including consumer research, by:
Creating forums for sharing research that advances the scientific basis of the field.
Provide mentoring in the field through a variety of forums.
Providing training courses and educational seminars.
Linking with existing organizations that serve the sensory and consumer research community
Promoting professional conduct and ethical standards.
Food Quality and Preference An official journal of the Sensometric SocietyFood Quality and Preference publishes original research, critical reviews, topical and practical features and comment. In addition, the journal publishes special invited issues on important timely topics...
The European Sensory Science Society (E3S) is a nonprofit organization devoted to promote cooperation, shared goals, integration of activities, knowledge and information exchange among national sensory science organisations across Europe. www.e3sensory.eu/